Tour of AUSTRALIA - Brisbane

We are glad to inform you that the Tour of AUSTRALIA - Brisbane, now has been finalized.

Tour Itinerary

We have managed to secure one of the best tour packages from a leading tour arranger in Australia  and we are sure that you will take advantage of this fantastic opportunity to play and explore the beautiful Australia

We would like to extend this invitation to all Stallions members who wish to use this as a holiday package (e.g. Families of players in soft ball squads or other relatives of Stallions members).

We are planning to tour from Saturday 01st July 2017 to Tuesday 11th July 2017 ( 10 nights/ 11 days )

Teams: U16, U13,  U11 and a parents team if sufficient players are available

The tour package:

Destination  Australia – BRISBANE

Accommodation – Comfortable 4* hotels 

The tour package is inclusive of the following: -

Package Cost (If paid as per the payment plan -  for minimum 30 paying adults) - Without air fare:  

All players and adults - QAR 6,985/- per person

Non playing children below 5 years as of 11th July 2017QAR 1,000/- sharing with parents

Infant (below 2 years) rates will be provided upon request

Air Fare:

We have received a tentative quote for QAR 5,020/- per person (not finalized).  We need your confirmations at the earliest to negotiate further and confirm a price. (The ticket price will be only for the first 30 confirmations)

(Note: You can considerably reduce your tour cost by bringing in advertisements/ sponsorships where we will give you back a certain percentage from each advertisement/ sponsorship you bring in).

The detailed payment plan and itinerary will is attached for your reference.

Please fill up the attached tour confirmation form and arrange to send to on or before 15th January to be eligible to get the current package and for us to negotiate the airfare Please note that we are traveling during the peak tourism time of Australia so the air tickets needs to be booked latest by 31st Jan 2017.

The places in the teams will be available on First come First serve basis however, we will make the tour open to others in Qatar and Dubai only after 25thJanuary to give our members the priority to take the advantage of this unmatched tour package.

Team Stallions will make every effort to make this tour a great one that gives excellent playing opportunities and unforgettable good memories.