Team Building & Leadership Training




Just PLAY! Leadership Program

Just PLAY Leadership Camp facilitated by Stallions offers aspiring young athletes and coaches a unique opportunity to experience leadership and character development that will manifest both on and off the field.

A great team experience goes well beyond wins and losses and can be life changing with the right leadership. The workshop’s goal is to teach and inspire you to become the best you can be in all facets of the Game and in life. We encourage players and coaches interested in being more effective, powerful leaders to attend. 

You will:

– Become more inspired to work selflessly for your team AND to lead your teammates and/or players more creatively, and with stronger results. You and others will see and feel an unmistakable change.

– More clearly see the power of the team experience and the ways it can change your whole life and the lives of your teammates and/or players.

– Feel a new level of passion and commitment towards your sport and towards yourself, with a fresh, inspired fire to be the best you can be.

We uses a very positive, affirming life coaching process of inquiry and discovery to strengthen awareness and responsibility. trying shape young leaders and coaches who will advocate for themselves, lead their peers/players on and off the field and, when the time comes, guide the families they raise, the companies for which they work and the young people whom they coach in directions that exemplify “old-fashioned” values, keeping the Golden Rule at the heart of everything they do, everything they teach and everything they are.

Players, Coaches, and/or Teams will:

– Discover deeply motivating core values and goals all the way from, “I want to throw the ball further,” and “We want to win the championship,” to “I want to be a better son, brother, father, daughter, sister, mother!” or “I want to help my teammate deal with his home life more effectively.” As a player and/or a coach, you’ll get in touch with what you want to do and who you want to be.

– Formulate plans in order to achieve those goals and acquire and develop the necessary tools and support.

– Leave the Just Play Workshop with a fantastic plan and a passion for fulfilling that plan.